아트비앤(artbn)은 독창성, 선두, 시작의 의미를 담고 있습니다.
현대미술이라는 거대한 흐름의 선두에서 아트를 위한 창조적 가치를 키워간다는 아트비앤의 비전을 담고 있습니다. 정확한 예술정보를 전달하는 아트 커뮤니케이터로서, 정확한 정보를 통한 아트 브랜드 마케팅을 제안하고, 예술이 가지는 무한한 창조적 가치를 높여갈 것입니다.
체계적인 아트 마케팅 프로그램을 통해 작품의 예술성을 바탕으로 예술의 고유한 가치를 브랜드화하여 개인 및 기업에게 국내외 수준 높은 미술 작품을 소개합니다. 세계의 미술동향에 대해 전문적으로 분석, 고객이 원하는 문화욕구 및 투자분석 등을 고려한 고객의 취향에 맞는 문화 포트폴리오 (Art & Cultural Portfolio)를 제공하며, 갤러리의 아트 어드바이저 서비스(art advisor service)에 이르는 사업을 진행하고 있습니다.

Founded in 2007 artbn is a contemporary art project and management group. Based on all for arts, we are pursuing diversity and differentiation represented in the global era of the 21st century, and are carrying out art projects based on cultural and artistic sensitivity.
artbn contains the meaning of creativity, originality, and beginning.
In 2015 we've opened a new space in the center of the art hub area, Samcheong-dong in Seoul. It is a major area where tradition and modern coexist well, and culture and art consumption are actively developed due to a well-developed floating population and the surrounding the commercial area.
We present a wide array of art projects and exhibitions by artists in many disciplines. Our mission is to promote contemporary art cross-culturally for private and public sectors alike. We also actively encourage a setting to collaborate with other independent curators, galleries, museums, private institutions, and corporate groups.
RHEE Chae Eun

이채은 작가는 회화를 주재료로 작업해왔지만, 최근 새로운 매체를 활용해 그 경계를 확장하고 있다. 아날로그 감성을 극대화하는 다채로운 작업에서 관객과 더욱 긴밀하게 소통하고자 하는 작가의 의도를 엿볼 수 있다. 작가는 미술사나 대중문화에서 차용한 이미지와 사회적 이슈를 시사하는 보도자료를 병치/혼합하는 방식으로 관객에게 새로운 시각을 제시한다. 여러 채널을 통해 노출되어 무심히 지나치게 되는 수많은 의미들이 작가의 필연적인 연결고리를 통해 시각/비시각적 감성을 재생산한다. 작가의 이런 감성은 현대인의 불안과 위태로움을 다른 수준의 느낌으로 이끌어준다. 회화에 기반한 대형 조형 작업 및 설치 작업은 리얼리티의 허구성을 극대화하여 관객을 매료시키기에 충분하다.
2005 – 2007 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA
MFA, Painting and Drawing
2000 – 2004 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA
BFA, Painting and Drawing
2001 Seoul National University, Seoul, KR
2019 NES Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland (TBA)
2018 Incheon Art Platform Residency, Incheon, KR
2016 Yaddo Residency Program, Fellowship, NY, USA
2015 Artery Art Space, Fellowship, Manila, Philippines
Vermont Studio Center, Fellowship, VT, USA
2014 Vermont Studio Center, Merit Scholarship, VT, USA
2008 Catwalk Artist-in-Residency Program, Fellowship, NY, USA
2007 Ox-bow School of Art and Artist’s Residency, Fellowship, MI, USA
2003 Ox-bow School of Art and Artist’s Residency, Merit Scholarship, MI, USA
2018 I don’t want REALISM, I want MAGIC, artBN, Seoul, KR
2017 Twisted, Artspace312, Seoul, KR
2016 Overgrown, Gallery PICI, Seoul, KR
2015 Overgrown Stories, Artery Art Space, Manila, Philippines
2014 Monologue on Drifting Thoughts, Social Code Gallery, Seoul, KR
2013 Elaborate Fantasy: Magical Reality, Gallery La Mer, Seoul, KR
Reaching the Abysmal Garden, Bridge Gallery, Seoul, KR
2008 Almost Tangible, The Muse Gallery of Art, LA, USA
2018 Twisted (2018 Open Call For Artist), Korean Cultural Center, Washington DC,USA
2018 Art Stage Singapore, BBuzzArt, Singapore (1.25-28)
Merry-go-round, Shinsegae Art Gallery, Incheon, KR ( 2017.12.15-1.15)
2017 Next Door Alice, Morris Gallery, Daejeon, KR
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Gallery 4 Walls, Seoul, KR
2016 KIAF, Galerie PICI, Seoul, KR
2014 KiMi for You, KiMi Art, Seoul, KR
Cross-line of Sight, Leegak Museum of Art, Cheonan, KR
2013 Bling Bling, Brigde Gallery, Seoul, KR
MUET, Fun Gallery, Seoul, KR
Turn Inside Out, Next Door Gallery, Seoul, KR
2012 Link Between, Gallery Yeon, Jeju Island, KR
2010 Sprouting, Noyes Cultural Arts Center, Chicago, USA
2009 Turning into a Small Dot, Cafe Miel, Seoul, KR
Starting Again, Hall Long Gallery, Green Leaf Art Center, Chicago, USA
The 31st JoongAng Fine Arts Prize, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, KR
Next Door Presents!, Next Door Gallery, Seoul, KR
2008 Fire in the Water, Next Door Gallery, Seoul, KR
Lost in Your Eyes, Traveling Show, Leroy Neiman Gallery, NY, USA
Form Content, London, UK
Kewaunee Art Fair, VODA Gallery, Hamacheck Hall, WI, USA
SAIC+DCB, Design Center Busan, Busan, KR
LUCKY 13, Gene Siskel Film Center Gallery, Chicago, USA
2007 Wish You Were Here, Holland Area Arts Council, MI, USA
Current Project, Betty Rymer Gallery, Chicago, USA
Foci, Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago, USA
MFA Thesis Show, Gallery 2, Chicago, USA
2006 Take the Field, Millington Street Gallery & Winfield Studio, TX, USA
2005 Exhibition Now, Gallery 400, Chicago, USA
The Mixed Tape Show, General Store Gallery, Milwaukee, USA
Spring Break, Curate by artLedge, Butcher Shop, Chicago, USA
2004 The Stray Show 2004, General Store Gallery, Chicago, USA
Off Campus Exhibition, Clune Construction, Chicago, USA
BFA Thesis Show, Gallery 2, Chicago, USA
The Green Show, Texas Ballroom, Chicago, USA
Nippon Steel Show, Nippon Corp. Headquarters, Chicago, USA
Extension, LG Space, Chicago, USA
2016 Grant Winner, Yaddo Corporation, NY, USA
2016 Grant Winner, International Exchange Dept., Arts Council Korea, KR
2015 Grant Winner, Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation, USA
2015 Grant Winner, International Exchange Dept., Arts Council Korea, KR
2009 Prize Recipient, The 31st JoongAng Fine Arts Prize, KR
2007 Award Recipient, 13th Annual Leadership Award, SAIC, USA
2004 Scholarship Recipient, Nippon Steel Corporation, Chicago, USA
2004 Scholarship Recipient, Clune Construction, Chicago, USA
2015 Panel Discussion/Artist Talk, Columbia University School of the Arts, NY, USA
2014 The Home Project, Stop-motion animation work in collaboration with Jennie Thwing, Supported by Joan Mitchell Foundation, USA,
2012 Tale, Art Directing stop-motion animation music video by Acoustic Perfume, KR