아트비앤(artbn)은 독창성, 선두, 시작의 의미를 담고 있습니다.
현대미술이라는 거대한 흐름의 선두에서 아트를 위한 창조적 가치를 키워간다는 아트비앤의 비전을 담고 있습니다. 정확한 예술정보를 전달하는 아트 커뮤니케이터로서, 정확한 정보를 통한 아트 브랜드 마케팅을 제안하고, 예술이 가지는 무한한 창조적 가치를 높여갈 것입니다.
체계적인 아트 마케팅 프로그램을 통해 작품의 예술성을 바탕으로 예술의 고유한 가치를 브랜드화하여 개인 및 기업에게 국내외 수준 높은 미술 작품을 소개합니다. 세계의 미술동향에 대해 전문적으로 분석, 고객이 원하는 문화욕구 및 투자분석 등을 고려한 고객의 취향에 맞는 문화 포트폴리오 (Art & Cultural Portfolio)를 제공하며, 갤러리의 아트 어드바이저 서비스(art advisor service)에 이르는 사업을 진행하고 있습니다.

Founded in 2007 artbn is a contemporary art project and management group. Based on all for arts, we are pursuing diversity and differentiation represented in the global era of the 21st century, and are carrying out art projects based on cultural and artistic sensitivity.
artbn contains the meaning of creativity, originality, and beginning.
In 2015 we've opened a new space in the center of the art hub area, Samcheong-dong in Seoul. It is a major area where tradition and modern coexist well, and culture and art consumption are actively developed due to a well-developed floating population and the surrounding the commercial area.
We present a wide array of art projects and exhibitions by artists in many disciplines. Our mission is to promote contemporary art cross-culturally for private and public sectors alike. We also actively encourage a setting to collaborate with other independent curators, galleries, museums, private institutions, and corporate groups.
B. 1973
Lives and works in Korea and Europe
2014 M.F.A in Arts plastiques, visuels et de l’espace, Ceramic (Grande distintion),
École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre, Brussels, Belgium
1996 B.F.A in Ceramics, College of Fine Arts, Hong-ik University, Seoul, Korea
2023 《Subito p-immersion 》, THE ONE PIECE OF ART, ARTBN, Seoul, Korea
《La Nuit Transfigurée(Transfigured Night)》 HORI Artspace, AIF Lounge, Seoul, Korea
2022 《Miroir de joie》 Salle basse de la Crypte Rostropovitch, Beau-vais, France
《EOLGUL-Visages》 Vazieux Art Gallery, Paris, France
《Terre de l’Âme》 Kunstforum Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland
2019 《Playing Blind》 Art Lounge, Temi Artist Residency, Daejeon, Korea
《Yesterday Kafka》 Window Gallery Meme, Seoul, Korea 2018 《FLOWING》 Gallery Meme, Seoul, Korea
2017 Ceramic Lookie 《Secret Faces》 Clayarch Gimhae Museum Cubic House, Gimhae, Korea
2013 13th Carougeois Ceramic Trail, Carouge, Switzerland
2011 Talents Opéra, Ateliers d’Art de France, Paris, France
2010 Circuits Céramiques (A.I.C), Territoires en movement 《Thinking or Dancing》 Galerie Ph.Gelot, Paris
2008 《Hushigino morino sasayaki》 Galerie Maronié, Kyoto, Japan
《La Forêt et les étrangers》 Galerie Ph.Gelot, Paris, France
2007 《Mes mains murmurent ma terre...》 Galerie Ph.Gelot, Paris, France
2004 《Peintures sur faïence》 Galerie Ph.Gelot, Paris, France
2023 《Sillon-Itinéraire-Art-Drôme》 Le Port cloche, Rochebaudin, France
《Gisèle Buthod-Garçon Résonances》 Galerie Terra Viva, St- Quentin la Poterie, France
《FUNDUS》 Kunstforum Solothurn, Solothurn, Switzerland
2022 《The Uncanny World》 Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Bu- san, Korea
《Migrations》 Musée Ariana, Génève, Switzerland
2021 《C14-Paris Salon de Céramique Contemporaine》 Borne, France
《Mouvement-Qualia》 PLACEMAK2, Seoul, Korea
《Lives》 Jeongseojin Art Cube, Incheon Seogu Cultural Founda- tion, Incheon, Korea
2020 《l’Exil》 Galerie Vazieux, Paris, France
《Moving of the Left Hand》 Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Seoul, Korea
2019 《Cabinet des Corps Exquis》 ARIANA Museum, Geneva, Switzer- land
2018 《Portraits d’artistes》 Musée de la faïence et de la céramique Malicorne, France
2016 《Reload》 Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Gimhae, Korea
2015 《Incertains genres》 Musée Keramis, Louvière, Belgique
《Objectif Terre》 18ème Biennale internationale de Céramique de Châteauroux, Châteauroux, France
《Vivid Dream》 Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Gimhae, Korea
2014 《Terra Terre-Regerd sur la céramique contemporaine》 Chapelle de Boondael, Bruxelles, Belgique
2012 La nuit des Musées 《Fabres Céramique》 Musée Benoît-De-Puy- dt, Bailleul, France
2021 Fund for Korean Art Abroad 2021-2022, Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS), Seoul, Korea
2014 First Prize (Jury Award), Ceramic 14, Ceramic Salon of Contemporary Art, Paris, France
Laureate ‘Coups de Coeur’ des Amis de la Cambre, Brussels, Belgium
2013 Prix ARIANA, ARIANA Museum, Geneva, Switzerland
2009 Public Award, Ceramic 14, Ceramic Salon of Contemporary Art, Paris, France
Silver Quentin, TERRALHA Contest of European Ceramic Festival, St-Quentin la Poterie, France
2022 Résidence Céramique à l’école d’art du Beauvaisis, France
2019 TEMI Artist Residency, Daejeon, Korea
2015-2016 Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Gimhae, Korea 2014 Symposium Artic Clay, Posio, Finland
2010 A.I.R, Vallauris, France
2008 Ceramic Cultural Park, Shigaraki, Japan
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art(Artbank), ARIANA Museum(Geneva, Switzerland), Guozhong Ceramic Art Museum(Bei- jing, China), Museum of contemporary Ceramic Art(Shigaraki, Japan), Arctic Ceramic Centre(Posio, Finland), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de la Cambre(Bruxelles, Belgium)
《Transfigured Night》 HORI Artspace, AIF Art Management, Korea, 2023
《The Uncanny World》 Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Korea, 2023
《Miroir de joie》 Artiste Residency of Ecole d’art du Beauvaisis, France, 2022
《Playing Blind》 TEMI Artist Residency, Daejeon Culture and Arts Foun- dation, Korea, 2019
《Secret Faces》 ClayArch Gimhae Museum, Korea, 2017
《Reload》 Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Korea, 2017
《XXIVème Biennale international création contemporaine et cérami- que Vallauris》, France, 2016
《Triennale des amis de la Cambre》 ENSAV La Cambre, Belgium, 2016
《Vivid Dream》 Clayarch Gimhae Museum, Korea, 2016
《Objectif Terre》 18ème Biennale internationale de Céramique de Châ- teauroux, France, 2015
《All of These Are Made of Clay》 The Shigaraki Cultural Park, Japan, 2013
Ceramics Now – April 2022
Monthly Ceramic Art (Korea) – April 2022 Monthly Ceramic Art (Korea) – December 2018
La Revue de la Céramique et du Verre (France) - N° 167, 168, 177, 193, 210, 224
Atelier d’Art de France (France) - N° 82, 100, 119
L’Objet d’Art (France) - N° 460